It’s 42. That’s it. Just, 42.
Just kidding! Hopefully many of you out there caught our reference to Douglas Adam’s ‘The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy’. But seriously, since content marketing is very important – and many of our clients as for help in this area – we looked into optimal word counts for blog posts (like this one).
At any moment, your potential (and existing) customers are at various stages of a Consumer Purchase Cycle (aka “Purchase Funnel”). They’re either pre-purchase, in-purchase or post-purchase. Cycle is a better metaphor than funnel as the relationship with consumers doesn’t end at a sale. A consumer will, eventually, choose to buy your product or service, or not. Choose to recommend your product/service, or not. The model for consumer purchase funnel that Ventropy Media uses is shown below.
Here’s in interesting Google Ads tidbit. Google Ads enables advertisers who are active with Display campaigns the ability to Target Audiences based on HHI (Household Income) by Zip Code..
Internet marketing covers everything from site-building and authorship to driving site visitation to converting visitors to sales or leads…but where do you begin? What comes first, the plan or the site?
Did you know that 8% of internet users account for 85% of all clicks (on advertising)? Source: ComScore. This is an incredible statistic and one which is important when creating a well thought out online marketing strategy.